School Counselor, Church Lane Elementary
Who knew there could be so many feelings about devices? Since becoming a Lighthouse School, I have seen a range of feelings regarding all of our new technology. SCARED, EXCITED, PROUD, NERVOUS, SURPRISED, EMBARRASSED, FRUSTRATED, DETERMINED are feelings I have seen in so many children and myself!
While interpersonal communications are still a focus of my large group counseling, I am trying hard to incorporate technology into my lessons. I have watched our students become skilled and captivated by these new methods of learning and find that I am thinking and trying to implement new ways of delivering skills. Thanks to our S.T.A.T. teacher, Jessica Whorton, and her Tech Tip Tuesdays, I’ve been able to incorporate apps like Padlet in my lessons. While new things can be trying, learning new things always feels good – no matter how young or old.