Reading Resource and STAT Teacher, Edmondson Heights Elementary
During the second ELA unit “A Life in Stories: Kate DiCamillo,” students learned about this author and read several of her books such as The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Because of Winn-Dixie, Tiger Rising, and The Illuminated Adventures of Flora and Ulysses. As an extension and a way of personalizing learning, students had an opportunity to demonstrate choice and voice on how and what they learn as they researched other famous authors that connected to their interests and passions in reading. They learned more about their chosen authors’ stories and worked to hone their craft. Authors, Roald Dahl, Dr. Seuss, Barbara Park, and J.K. Rowling were selected, and each expert learner got right to work!
Students researched their chosen author, read selections written by the author in order to learn more about the author’s craft, took notes or made a graphic organizer, and then self-selected the resources and/or technology best suited to communicate information they learned about each author and the stories they wrote. Students made posters, Office Mixes, PowerPoints, and/or flip charts about their selected author, depending on which platform they found most appropriate to support and showcase all that they learned. Students presented their projects throughout an afternoon to parents, administrators, second graders, and special guests. Check out their photos and video clips below!