In our 4th and 5th grade math classes we are having the students look at the data from their MAP assessment taken this fall, past unit assessments, upcoming unit tests, and PARCC skills to determine where each student excels and where he or she has an area of need. After looking at the data, the students set a goal for themselves. For example, “My goal is to improve my understanding of number operations by practicing fractions.” Once the goal is set the students are given multiple opportunities to practice in their identified area of need. During small group rotations, students are able to use digital math programs to play games and view reteach videos that support their area of need and collect data. We then use the data generated from their math practice games and videos to meet with the students again to do a goal check-up every couple of weeks to see how students are doing working towards their goals. We have found that when students take more ownership in their learning, there is more internalized motivation. When the motivation is internalized then it leads to deeper and longer lasting understanding.