The program achieved two main goals. First being that it introduced students to coding. Additionally, it introduced teachers to coding in order increase their comfort integrating this kind of technology into their classrooms. As a result of the model/co-teaching practices, teachers have been given the tools to integrate 21st century skills into their lessons. For example, the day after our lesson, one teacher integrated the Ozobots into a math multiplication lesson.
The program also addressed the Church Lane Elementary School 2017-2018 school progress plan. Key action 1 is to “implement strategies to teach the importance and acceptance of interpersonal boundaries and respect”. With twelve robots, students had to complete their coding challenges in groups of two or three. They had to share materials, space and ideas. Using this kind of technology increased student engagement and was highly motivating. Students had to listen to their peers and resolve conflict positively in order to complete their work. Through their evaluations, students indicated positive interactions with their classmates.