Destination Imagination is led by Laura Eigel, Karyn Ginesi, and Kayla Long. There are two teams with 5 members each and two alternates. The Destination Imagination program is a fun, hands-on system of learning that fosters students’ creativity, courage and curiosity through open-ended academic challenges in the fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Fine Arts, and service learning. Participants learn patience, flexibility, persistence, ethics, respect for others and their ideas, and the collaborative problem-solving process. Teams showcase their solutions at a tournament in March.
The Newspaper Club is run by Lisa Burton and Jenn Lape. There are currently six students enrolled but more are expected. The focus of the club is to teach students basic reporting and newspaper writing skills. Students will learn how to interview, take notes, research, write editorial and opinion pieces, edit, and format a newspaper. The club will publish 3-4 newspapers this school year.
The Step Team is run by Brianna Sollers and Stephanie Mosby. There are twelve fourth and fifth grade girls enrolled. The goal is to teach the girls step routines for performances in the winter and spring concerts.
24 Math Challenge Club is led by Kristin Weston and Carnation Anagnostiadis. This math club will have 15-25 members throughout the year. The goal of the club is to work with math facts to come up with the answer 24. Two fifth graders will compete in the county challenge. The club is also planning to have a challenge with another school.
The Drama Club is led by Michelle Richardson, Brittany Pascoe, and Tamika Mobley with 58 students from grades 1-5 enrolled! The goal of the club is to teach students to take risks, articulate, focus, collaborate, read with expression, and work together as a team to create theater productions throughout the school year! These budding young actors and actresses will learn theater games, have group discussions, learn choreography, and practice stage directions. They will also learn and sing music, and learn how to read and comprehend a script in order to bring characters and scenes to life on stage in the most entertaining way! Actors from the Hippodrome visited the club in November to show students how the puppets were created for the Broadway production of The Lion King. The club was also awarded 40 free tickets for some students to see the production on December 6, 2017! It was an amazing opportunity!
The Writing Club is led by Bonnie Belsinger. The focus of the fall semester was on fine motor development and penmanship for 14 first graders that were recommended by their teachers. The winter semester currently includes 12 second grade students who love to write and the spring semester will include first grade students. The focus will be on learning about different types of writing through a reading-writing workshop model. Students will be introduced to a variety of authors, will study their crafts, and have the opportunity to meet them through Skype interviews. Students will take their writing to publication through digital and hardbound books in addition to being published in the school’s Literary Magazine.
The Environmental Club is led by Marisa Rardon. There are 23 second grade students learning about and helping with environmental issues.
The Art Club is led by art teacher, Elizabeth Hernandez. Twenty five students from grades 3- 5 participate weekly. The goals of club are to explore creativity and artistic expression. The club also works extra hard to design and create banners, posters, stage props for all of the school dances, performances, and special events.
Love is Louder Club is led by Kelly Vanadia. The club of 15 meets every Thursday morning from 7:30-8:25 AM. Love is Louder is a movement to stop negative words and actions and promote positivity and love. The whole idea is that love is louder than anything negative; love is louder than bullying; love is louder than negative self-image; and love is louder than loneliness. Students in the club write compliments to others, participate in a free high-five day, make holiday cards for our troops, flower pens for teachers, care baskets, and much more!
Instrumental Music Club is led by Jessica Crutchfield. It meets on Thursdays from 3:15-4:15 PM in the band room. Its goal is to provide extra practice time and one-on-one help for band students in 5th grade and rehearse as a full group in preparation for the Winter and Spring Concerts, as well as the Graduation Ceremony. The students involved are dedicated to bettering their craft, and that makes them extra special!