1st Grade Teacher, Church Lane Elementary
Discovery Education has become a resource I love to incorporate into my instruction. Students love to access the all of the new information presented to them on this website. Information is presented in an engaging and age appropriate way. It has helped widen their understanding of specific topics and has also answered questions they were curious about.
As a 1st grade teacher I was nervous about introducing my students to Discovery Education. The website can be overwhelming and I wasn't quite sure how my students would handle navigating the site independently. After modeling to one of my reading groups how to research and then use the board builder tool on the website, they quickly became experts! They were so proud of the projects they had created. Those students were also able to teach other students how to use the board builder tool through partner work. By having a few “expert students” it really helps to alleviate the challenges of introducing a new tool. With their partners, students have been reading Koko and Penny in our Wonders Anthology. They are using information from the text and resources from Discovery Education to create boards that would inform others about Koko the gorilla. Once the boards are complete, the students will share their Koko boards to the entire class. Our first graders plan to team up with 5th graders to share their board builder expertise. Through Discovery Education, students are given plenty of options for design, layout, and media attachments, making their boards one of a kind. We now use board builder as a tool in our classroom to show off our new knowledge in a creative and unique way!